Influencer Jeremy Jenson Is a Real-Life Harvey Specter


We have all seen the popular legal drama “Suits” on Netflix and have thoroughly enjoyed the character of Harvey Specter, who depicts a young boy’s dream of being a hotshot Manhattan corporate lawyer who runs high risks with even higher rewards. All is good in Harvey Specter’s life – he has it all – except that he is not real.

Sometimes differentiating from reel to real can be hard, mainly when people like Jeremy Jenson exist in real life. 

Jeremy has mentioned his fascination with Harvey Specter’s character and how he wants his own business to look like Harvey’s. When asked what he wants his company to look like in the future, Jeremy says, “I want to consistently grow Encore Search Partners to where we’re eventually on the top floor of a Class A high rise, rivaling the culture and image of the TV Show Suits.

The comparison between Jeremy and Harvey is easy to see: they both had humble beginnings coming from single-parent households and both persevering despite the challenges life has had for them. They also show Harvey Specter moving slowly but surely up in his career by trusting the people around him, which is also an inspiration behind how Jeremy deals with his employees.

Just like the fictional posh lawyer, Jeremy has a reputation for empowering people around him and helping them succeed in their endeavors. This is something his followers value so much as an influencer because he encourages people to be a better version of themselves. It is precisely how he has made a name for himself and his company and how he receives a great deal of trust from his community, which he has never taken for granted. 

Finally, reel or real, the culture and environment they depict in “Suits” may not be authentic, but it is a great target to aspire towards, and we know that one day Jeremy hopes his business will look similar. Like in Harvey’s fictional world, having a family in a workplace setting brings a warm feeling all around, and having your employees show that level of loyalty to you is the goal. This is a goal that has been attained for Jeremy Jenson, but when you talk to him about this, he is still reaching for more and more.

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