What Happens If You Get A Speeding Ticket?


A speeding ticket can have many negative consequences. It can result in points on your license, increase your insurance rates, and even cause your policy to be dropped. There are many ways to fight a speeding ticket. The first step is to review the evidence against you. This includes radar, GPS, and other types of technology.

Points On Your License

In New York, if you are convicted of certain traffic violations, points will be placed on your license. The amount of points you receive depends on how fast you were going over the speed limit. Speeding tickets typically result in three to eleven points. Generally, more serious violations such as passing a stopped school bus or reckless driving result in five points. If you accumulate 11 or more points within an 18 month period, your New York driver’s license or privilege to drive in NY could be suspended. The Department of Motor Vehicles will also impose a Driver Responsibility Assessment fee. This annual fee is $100 and is spread over a 3-year period.

The best way to protect your driving record and avoid points is to fight the ticket. Most people think that fighting a ticket involves showing up in court and hoping the police officer does not show up to testify against them. However, this is not a good strategy for many reasons.

Increased Insurance Rates

Whether your insurance rates will increase depends on your state law and the type of speeding ticket. Most companies examine your record every time you renew your policy. A single speeding ticket can raise your rates by about 20 percent or more. However, it will not affect your rates forever. Most states allow drivers to have a speeding violation removed from their records after three years. The exact time frame varies by state and insurance provider.

Some car insurance companies are even willing to forgive minor traffic tickets for good customers. For example, Travelers and Farmers will forgive first-time speeding violations for 36 months. Other companies may give you a break for a speeding tickets depending on how fast you were going and other factors in your driving history. You might also be able to take a defensive driving course and reduce the number of points on your license. This will help keep your insurance rates low.

Court Appearances

The most important thing for anyone who receives a traffic ticket is to make sure they show up to court on the required date. This annoys everyone – the judge, the officers and other defendants who have to wait for people to blow it off. A driver should always look carefully at their ticket for the date that they must either pay or challenge the ticket. It may also contain information about the specific details of their stop, the charge and how they must plead (guilty or not guilty).

If a driver does not show up on their mandatory court date then the judge will usually issue a warrant for their arrest. It can also cause any fines to grow and it can result in points being added to their license which could impact their ability to drive to work or to other important places. These consequences are not to be taken lightly and an experienced attorney can help to minimize them.

Mitigation Options

A traffic attorney can help you poke holes in the police officer’s story. For example, you may argue that the speed limit sign was obscured by a tree or truck. Then, you could present photos and witness testimony to show that you couldn’t have known the speed you were traveling at. You also can try to convince the judge that you were avoiding a worse accident or emergency. For example, a pregnant loved one might have gone into labor or someone might have died and you needed to get to them as quickly as possible.

Ultimately, you can choose to pay your ticket and admit guilt or fight the ticket with a lawyer’s help. The latter option can save you a lot of time, energy and money. It also can prevent the ding on your record and higher insurance premiums. You can even avoid having points on your record altogether if you take a defensive driving course.


A first speeding ticket can cost hundreds of dollars, and if it goes on your record, your insurance rates are likely to go up. Luckily, there are ways to keep your fines low and avoid points on your record.

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