4 Fitness Experts To Follow For A Healthy Physique


4 Fitness Experts To Follow For A Healthy Physique

Maintaining a healthy routine, eating the appropriate foods, and taking the right supplements are not sufficient when achieving your health goals. If you want to keep your health and build a wonderfully ripped figure, you would need a fitness expert.

Personal trainers, strength coaches, and even dietitians are just a few of the specialties available in the fitness industry. A fitness expert is someone who aids others in accomplishing their fitness objectives. They can offer advice on efficiently attaining one’s fitness objectives, help clients design a training regimen, and help them pick the right food and supplements.

We’ve put up a list of 4 fitness experts we think you should follow in order to assist you in reaching your fitness goals while keeping your health.

Fritz Colcol

Fritz Colcol-a professional Men’s Physique Athlete, runs an online coaching business called ‘Fritz Lifestyle.’ It all started with his fitness-related posts, which he made when in school. It helped him gain thousands of followers and gave him the chance to enable social media brand affiliations, fitness modeling, and online coaching.

He is known for participating professionally in the Men’s Physique Natural Division, where athletes are drug tested to guarantee that they are competing naturally.  Fritz also competed in Mr. America 2021, which aired on national television; CBS Sport Network, and Generation Iron. He was also appreciated on his Instagram for his participation in the competition.

He now creates customized training programs for his clients according to their needs. Fritz is a motivator and an influencer for many as he is passionate about exercise and wellness and believes in the idea that health is wealth.

Lauren Leavell

Motivational coach- Lauren Leavell conducts business from her Philadelphia home. She is a group fitness instructor, a Corrective Exercise Specialist, a Personal Finance Expert, and a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and she also works on facilitating meditation. By working with them one-on-one and online, she helps people alter their bodies, reduce their stress levels, feel more confident in themselves, and helps people how to embrace their true selves.

Ben Bruno

Ben Bruno, a personal trainer from Los Angeles who also wrote The Total Package: Achieving Your True Potential as an Athlete and in Life, thinks that exercise should be simple and pleasurable. He is interested in educating others in addition to his private training business. More than 200 pieces for magazines like Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Sports Illustrated, and ESPN have been written by Bruno or in which he has been mentioned. He is on the Men’s Health advisory board and was named “Most Innovative Trainer” there.

Massy Arias

Massy Arias is a successful businesswoman, a mother of a lovely young child, and a certified celebrity personal trainer. She developed TRU-Supplements, which are safe for new mothers and vegan-friendly. Through her social media platforms, Massy, who has more than two million Instagram followers, encourages new mothers and other women to take charge of their health and exercise to keep fit and healthy. She also stresses the significance of body acceptance and self-love.


There are many fitness coaches out there, and each has a special set of abilities and life experiences that they use to assist others in accomplishing their fitness and health goals. There is undoubtedly a coach out there that can assist you in attaining your unique objectives or demands. So don’t put it off any longer; pick your preferred fitness expert and begin your fitness journey now!

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