Dr. Joan Neehall On Science of Happiness


Happiness has become the Holy Grail of our century. Thanks to positive psychology we now understand the science of happiness and how to sustain it. We all experience different emotions at different times. Most happy people will experience sadness and negative emotions. In order to sustain happness consider the science behind it and how Dr. Joan Neehall has assisted people in conquering stress and creating their own pathway to a meaningful life

A look at the science of happiness

Considerable study has been done on people’s well-being, on the difficulties they face, and everything related to psychological disorders. Positive psychology has taken a different direction as psychologists are now more focused on enhancing people’s strengths not just on their psychological deficits. They educate people on how to become a better version of themselves by utilizing their inner strengths. They learn to anticipate challenges and to welcome failure. Problems and failures are part of everyone’s life. Chasing happiness is like trying to catch a butterfly. We can all experience happiness and bouts of sadness. In positive psychology we learn how to bounce back and the duration of unhappy times is shorter.

Positive psychologists have looked at people who were happy. They looked at what happy people did where they were experiencing stress, anxiety, depression and burnout.They learned through their research that monetary goals are not necessarily correlated with a happy outcome, in fact, chasing monetary goals once our basic needs are met does not create more happiness in our lives!

Happiness enhances our physical health by lowering our heart rate and blood pressure and causing the stress hormone cortisol to be released less frequently. It offers long term benefits such as longevity, good health and satisfying interpersonal relationships. Happy people enjoy the small things in life. They don’t necessarily associate happiness with great accomplishments. If you do this you will become a hamster on a treadmill constantly craving yet another accomplishment. They are motivated by intrinsic rewards. Happy people invest in satisfying social relationships. They are happy for others successes and empathize with others misfortune. Work for them is a calling or vocation for which they feel passion.

Doctor Joan Neehall’s opinion on happiness

Doctor Joan Neehall has worked as a psychologist for over 35 years which has allowed her to get a broad understanding of happiness. She is engaged with numerous people in order to understand what happiness means to each one. She has traveled to 83 countries and lived in six continents trying to understand what makes people happy. Her key goals are to encourage individuals and her audiences to have a fulfilled life; to accept vulnerability, and to overcome adversity with courage.

She has authored the best selling book titled Happy Is The New Healthyin which she discusses all of life’s challenges and how to overcome them. The book discusses the health advantages of happiness. She makes the case that too much happiness can be detrimental. She says, “People using my happiness control panel can become resilient and become a better version of themselves. This ubiquitous area is evergreen and applicable cross culturally.”

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